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Our  Curriculum

Reading and writing are the most important skills that a student needs to succeed in a learning environment. While we

believe other subjects also have merit, if a student cannot read and write, learning other subjects, such as math and

science is nearly impossible.


Educators say that one “learns to read” by third grade, and afterward, the student “reads to learn”. Students must read

well in order to progress in the higher grades. We test students on their reading and writing skills as they enter Trinity

Academy. Our focus is to see on what aspects of reading or writing a student needs extra help with. Trinity uses what

many consider the best curricula – Columbia University’s Teachers College Reading and Writing Project materials. We

also spend more time each day building these skills than many other schools.


Trinity Academy uses the Responsive Classroom approach, which is geared towards improving the school climate,

higher student achievement, and greater teacher effectiveness. The goal of the Responsive Classroom approach is to

create a safe, joyful and challenging learning environment for every child. The Responsive Classroom premise is that

the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum because children learn best through social

interaction. Morning Meeting, positive teacher language, and a positive approach to student discipline are just a few

distinctive features of the Responsive Classroom approach.


Students also participate in athletics, the arts, as well as social and cultural enrichment. They are able to explore the

Greater Hartford area as a coordinated part of their educational experience by taking field trips during the school year.

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